Environmental Emergencies Partnership 


Environmental Emergencies Partnership was formally known as “Integrated Approach to Prevention, Preparedness for and Response to Environmental Emergencies in Support of Sustainable Development” and initiated to strengthen the implementation of Agenda 21.
It is aimed to assist countries to develop their own capabilities to deal with environmental emergencies and to facilitate information exchange, training and technological co-operation and to improve dialogue between public authorities, the private sector and public in general on issues of emergency prevention, preparedness and response.

Points about the partnership

Multi-stakeholder engagement


Through multi-stakeholder partnership/cooperation


Response to the Global Environmental Issue(Sustainable Development)


United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)


UN entities, Intergovernmental organizations, Major groups, Industry and professional groups, etc.

Relevant website

OECD WSSD Partnership Initiatives