







参加は無料ですが、事前の申し込みが必要です(定員100人)。参加をご希望の方は、1月26日(木)までにお申し込みください。申し込み後、登録のメールアドレス宛に参加票が届かない場合は、iiasa_japan@iges.or.jp にご連絡ください。

13:30 受付開始
14:00 開会セッション

茅陽一 IIASA日本委員会委員長、RITE理事長
14:20 基調講演「IIASAと日本:研究協力の将来展望」

パヴェル・カバット IIASA所長
15:00 休憩

15:20 パネルディスカッション

竹本和彦 UNU-IAS所長、IIASA日本代表理事

ネボーシャ・ナキセノヴィッチ IIASA副所長
秋元圭吾 RITE主席研究員(予定)
高橋潔 NIES 社会環境システム研究センター 広域影響・対策モデル研究室 主任研究員
エリック・ザスマン 地球環境戦略研究機関 持続可能な社会のための政策統合領域エリアリーダー
16:50 閉会
The IIASA Japan Committee and UNU-IAS are co-organizing an international symposium to discuss enhancement of collaboration on the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) The World in 2050 (TWI2050) project with the Japanese research community, as well as future prospects for collaboration.

In recent years, IIASA, an international research organization founded in 1972 and made up of 17 countries including Japan, has been addressing global challenges including how to realize a sustainable society. IIASA has become one of the world’s leading research institutes, with recipients of the Nobel Prize as well as IPCC lead authors among its affiliated experts.

As one of its initiatives, IIASA has launched the TWI2050 project in collaboration with the Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University, the Earth Institute at Columbia University, and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). TWI2050 aims to address the full spectrum of transformational challenges related to achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in an integrated manner, through science-policy coordination between policy experts and modelling analysis teams. Currently a number of major research institutes in the world, including the National Institute of Environmental Studies (NIES) and the Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE) from Japan, take part in the project.

This symposium is being held as part of the UNU-IAS SDG Dialogue Series and is free and open to the public. Simultaneous translation in Japanese and English will be available.

Participants are requested to register prior to the event, with capacity limited to 100 attendees.
Please send an email including: your name, title, organization, and contact information (email or telephone) to the IIASA Japan Committee at iiasa_japan@iges.or.jp by Thursday, January 26.

13:30 Registration
14:00 Opening session

Yoichi Kaya, Chair of the IIASA Japan Committee; President, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth(RITE)
Ministry of the Environment, Japan (tbd)
14:20 Keynote presentation/ IIASA and Japan: Future Prospects for Research Collaboration

Pavel Kabat, Director General, IIASA
15:00 Break

15:20 Panel Discussion

Kazuhiko Takemoto Director, UNU-IAS

Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Deputy Director General, IIASA
Keigo Akimoto, Group Leader and Chief Researcher, Systems Analysis Group, RITE
Kiyoshi Takahashi, Senior Researcher, Trans-boundary Impacts & Mitigation Modeling Section, Center for Social and Environmental Systems Research, NIES
Eric Zusman, Area Leader, Integrated Policies for Sustainable Societies, IGES
Researcher from IIASA (tbd)
16:50 Closing