Adaptation Learning Mechanism Initiative


In response to information gaps and in order to address existing adaptation knowledge needs, the United Nations Development Programme, along with other agency partners, launched the Adaptation Learning Mechanism (ALM) in 2007. UNDP is facilitating the ALM in close partnership with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), UNEP, the World Bank and specialized UN agencies including FAO.

The ALM represents a collaborative, global learning process, with leadership, facilitation and strong participation by Southern institutions. Seeking to provide stakeholders with a common platform for sharing and learning, the ALM bridges knowledge gaps by bringing relevant knowledge and stakeholders together to exchange information, experiences, and expertise. Additionally, the ALM complements the wide range of adaptation knowledge networks and initiatives already underway.

Points about the partnership

Developed ALM Guidelines


Through multi-stakeholder partnership/cooperation


Response to the Global Environmental Issue(Sustainable Development)


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)


UN related organizations and international institutions