Miyashiromachi Citizen Participation Ordinance


In 2003, established the basic matters related to citizen participation, and with the objective of safeguarding citizens’ rights in governmental activities, enacted the Miyashiromachi Citizen Participation Ordinance.
Then, in order to promote local development by citizens, the town assembly, and the public administration through ‘co-action’ (cooperative action), a “Basic Ordinance on Local Development” was formulated in 2007. Instead of relying on experts or consultants, the formulation of the ordinance instead respected the leadership of, facilitation by, and coordination between officials and residents. Due to the formulation of the ordinance, the basis for participatory planning by citizens was prepared.

A Citizen Participation page was set up on the city’s official home page (HP), and it carries out a role as a portal site for citizen participatory planning-related information maintenance and transmission.

Points about the partnership

The closeness of government and residents; the first mayor’s strong consciousness of citizen participation; etc.


Based on efforts at ‘co-action’ (cooperative action) by diverse actors


Sustainable regional development


Miyashiromachi Town,  Saitama Prefecture

Relevant website

Miyashiromachi (Saitama Prefecture) official HP → Citizen Participation page
