DATE / TIME : 2018•10•12 14:00 - 17:00
LOCATION: United Nations University Rose Hall, 5F (5-53-70 Jinguemae Shibuya-ku Tokyo)
UNU-IAS and the UNISDR Office in Japan will co-organize a symposium to commemorate the International Day for Disaster Reduction 2018 under the theme of The SDGs and Disaster Risk Reduction: Meeting Target C of the Sendai Framework (Reducing the economic loss of disasters).
The United Nations General Assembly has designated 13 October as the International Day for Disaster Reduction (IDDR) in order to promote a global culture of disaster reduction, including disaster prevention, mitigation, and preparedness. 2018 marks the third year of the Sendai Seven Campaign, which uses the IDDR to draw attention to the seven targets of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, which was adopted as a global plan to reduce disaster losses. The overall IDDR theme for this year is reduction of economic loss resulting from disasters (Target (c) of the Sendai Framework).
This is a free event, and English and Japanese simultaneous interpretation will be provided.
14:00–14:10 Opening Remarks
- Prof. Kazuhiko Takemoto (Director, UNU-IAS)
- Dr. Yuki Matsuoka (Head, UNISDR Office in Japan)
14:10–14:50 Keynote Presentations
- Prof. Taikan Oki (Vice Rector, UNU)
- Mr. Kimio Takeya (Distinguished Technical Advisor to the President, JICA)
14:50–15:20 Presentations
- Mr. Akira Takahashi (Senior Director, Disaster-Resilient and Environmentally-Progressive City Promotion Office, City Planning Policy Bureau, City of Sendai)
- Dr. Riyanti Djalante (Academic Programme Officer, UNU-IAS)
- Ms. Noyuri Suetsugu (Assistant Director, Biodiversity Strategy Office, Nature Conservation Bureau, Ministry of the Environment Japan)
15:20–15:35 Break
15:35–16:55 Panel Discussion
- Mr. Kimio Takeya
- Mr. Akira Takahashi
- Mr. Masato Takamatsu (Managing Director & Chief Research Officer, Head of Tourism Crisis Management Consulting, JTB Tourism Research & Consulting Co.)
- Mr. Takeshi Komino (General Secretary, Church World Service Japan)
Moderator: Dr. Yuki Matsuoka
16:55–17:00 Closing Remarks
Registration is now closed. Thank you for your interest.
United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) Office in Japan
Ministry of the Environment Japan
Global Environmental Outreach Centre (GEOC)
This event is part of the UNU-IAS SDG Dialogue series.