Restoring Unused Tea Fields with Compost Made in Corrugated-cardboard Boxes


The Shionoe area, where the NPO Okushionoe Volunteer Association is active, was once famous for tea production. Presently, however, tea fields are left unused due to a decrease in population. Whether the tea fields can be restored as part of revitalization activities for the area, and whether environmentally friendly compost can be obtained — these two issues were presented by the NPO to the Shikoku EPO (Shikoku Environmental Partnership Office) for consultation.
Around May, 2012, a study was carried out concerning whether the compost produced using the corrugated-cardboard compost method in Takamatsu City, Okushionoe could be used to regenerate the neglected tea fields of Takamatsu. A feasibility study is presently being carried out via a cooperative effort between the NPO and a consumer group. Other practical uses for the compost are also being evaluated, utilizing advice from experts.

Points about the partnership

Programs for making compost from raw garbage are carried out in various areas.
In many cases, however, the programs get bogged down when it comes to finding ways to use the amount of compost which is produced. As a solution, the NPO has considered whether raw garbage can be used in Takamatsu City’s method of making compost inside corrugated-cardboard boxes. There were concerns about the quality of the compost made with this method, but the NGO is proceeding with the project, while obtaining pertinent advice from JA (Japan Agriculture) and other concerned parties.


■Project cooperation/project accord


■Waste/’3R’ principles (reduce/reuse/recycle)/resource cycles
■Town planning


Okushionoe Volunteer Association


Shikoku EPO(Shikoku Environmental Partnership Office), Takamatsu City Consumers’ Group Liaison Council