[海外事例17] National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM Mandiri)/農村観光:コミュニティ能力強化のための国家プロジェクト 2013年3月21日


PNPM Mandiri is an effort to alleviate poverty by empowering local communities, improving public welfare, and enhancing employment opportunities through the development of rural tourism in Indonesia. Initiated in 2007., the PNPM Mandiri in Tourism program covered 569 ‘tourism villages’ in 2011 and is expected to have reached 978 villages in 2012. PNPM Mandiri in Tourism focuses on the development of targeted areas that have relevance and attractive elements for tourists. The program refers to a community-based tourism development model focused on three areas of activity: (1) development of ‘tourism villages’; (2) development of areas surrounding tourist attractions; and (3) tourism-related entrepreneurial partnerships. These approaches have succeeded in establishing ‘tourism villages’ with a very well-preserved local knowledge base, and also help promote environmental sustainability.

Some of the best practices utilized in this program are: the optimization of unique, traditional, non-fuel transportation modes; arrangement of home stays; promotion of local arts and cultural performances; capacity buildings to the local people; improvement of existing tourism facilities; etc.

Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) are strategic and management tools to improve the quality of tourism destinations by involving local entities, through which various objectives – local empowerment, participation and social welfare, conservation and sustainable utilization of natural and cultural environments, business continuity plans for employers, as well as increases in the number of visitors and greater tourist satisfaction could be achieved. DMOs aim to raise awareness among stakeholders concerning the importance of creating synergies for sustainable tourism development.

The model has been replicated in a total of 15 different locations across Indonesia since its initiation in 2007. In 2008, the UN’s World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) launched the Tourism Development Supporting Biodiversity Conservation program, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, to assist in re-developing West Java’s Pangandaran area (it was struck by a tsunami in 2006, which resulted in a drastic decrease in the number of visitors) as a tourism destination. This program was applied through activities such as coral reef rehabilitation, ‘tourism village’ development, Pangandaran travel pattern analysis, and independent marketing & promotion.

PNPM Mandiriは地域社会活性化・公共福祉の改善・雇用機会の向上を、農村観光の発展を通じて実現し、貧困軽減を目指す取り組みである。2008年から実施され、2011年にはPNPM Mandiriにより569の農村での観光が実現し、2012年には978の農村にで実現される予定である。PNPM Mandiriは、観光客の興味を惹きつける要素ある地域をターゲット地域とし、その発展に焦点をおいている。本プログラムは、以下の3種類の活動に焦点を置いた地域ベースでの観光発展モデルをもとにしている。
(1) 観光事業の対象となる村自体の発展
(2) 観光客の興味を惹きつける地域周辺の発展
(3) 観光業における起業家的パートナーシップ

-  燃料のかからないユニークで伝統的な地方の交通手段の確立
- ホームステイの再編成
- 地域の芸術や文化公演の促進
- 地域に対する能力構築
- 既存の観光施設の改良

観光地マネジメント組織(Destination Management Organization (DMO))は、地域主体の巻き込みによって観光地の質を向上させる戦略的・マネジメントツールである。これにより、能力強化に対する種々の関心、参加と社会福祉、自然・文化的環境の保護と持続可能な利用、雇用者のための事業継続計画、訪問者や旅行者の満足感の向上などを達成することが可能であった。DMOは持続可能な観光業の発展における相乗効果の創出の重要性を、ステークホルダー間に認識させることをねらっている。



The UN’s World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) launched the Tourism Development Supporting Biodiversity Conservation program, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, to assist in re-developing the Pangandaran area (it was struck by a tsunami in 2006, which resulted in a drastic decrease in the number of visitors) as a tourism destination. There is a DMO in Mount Rinjani National Park. Mount Rinjani is the second highest volcano in Indonesia, located in West Nusa Tenggara and in the cluster of Ring of Fire (the Wallace Line). Since 1999, there has been a unique partnership with the local community to manage and preserve the ecosystem of the mountain. The activities focus on 3 areas: (a) to improve the management of the national park through training and infrastructures development; (b) to deepen its community empowerment; (c) to develop sustainable and responsible tourism with an emphasis on promoting tourism based on “trekking” and Sasak (local) cultures.




□Project cooperation/project accord 


□Biodiversity/nature conservation


The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, the District Government


The UN’s World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the local community