• トップ
  • 活動紹介
  • パートナーシップ調査
  • [海外事例4] Partnership for the Launch of the Sustainable Tourism Stewardship Council/持続可能なツーリズムスチュワードシップ委員会の設立のためのパートナーシップ

[海外事例4] Partnership for the Launch of the Sustainable Tourism Stewardship Council/持続可能なツーリズムスチュワードシップ委員会の設立のためのパートナーシップ 2012年3月22日


Partnership for the Launch of the Sustainable Tourism Stewardship Council was lead by a coalition of tourism industry associations, nonprofit civil society organizations (NGOs) and government agencies. The aim of this initiative was to certificate and promote the sustainable tourism. Thanks to this initiative, the Sustainable Tourism Stewardship Council (SDTC) was established in 2008. It is now collaboration with the UN and its related agencies and International organizations and operating the business to certificate and promote the sustainable tourism.



Industry group was involved from the initial discussion.



Through multi-stakeholder partnership/cooperation/様々な主体間の連携・協力関係によるもの


Response to the Global Environmental Issue(Sustainable Development/地球環境問題への対応(持続可能な開発)


Preparatory Committee to establish the SDTC /持続可能なツーリズムスチュワードシップ委員会設立準備委員会
UN and related agencies, Interanational Organizations, Industry groups, NPO, etc./国連機関、国際機関、業界団体、NPOなど


Partnership for the Launch of the Sustainable Tourism Stewardship Council/持続可能なツーリズムスチュワードシップ委員会の設立のためのパートナーシップ
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs Division for Sustainable Development/国連経済社会部 持続開発な開発のための部会
Sustainable Tourism Stewardship Council (SDTC)/持続可能なツーリズムスチュワードシップ委員会